You are supposed to make two simple programs in this week. 1. Based on the rectangle class example in our text book, add “intersection method” to the rectangle class. The intersection method returns the intersection of two rectangles, that is the rectangle formed by two overlapping rectangles. You call this method as follows: Rectangle r3더 보기
Day: 2009 3월 15
2주차 C++숙제,,(파일 삭제)
You need to set up a C++ compiler in your computer. I recommend Microsoft Vistual C++ Express. It is free. Another option is using Cygwin G++ compiler, which is also free. In this week, you will make three simple programs. 1. Write a program that asks the user for the lengths of the sides of더 보기
뭐,, 어찌어찌
드디어 대학생활 시작이다!!!(라지만 벌써 2주가 지나 3주차다,,,) 일단은 강의도 대략 신청했고, 대략 대학생활에 전혀 적응 하지못하고있다. 일단 내 하루 일과를 보면,,, 1:00 am~7:00 am(9시 강의 있는날)9:00am (강의 없는날) 그후로 대략 강의,,, 6:00pm 저녁식사,,, 그후로 ,,,, 놀기!!!!!!!!! 숙제,,, 뭐 그러다가 다시 1am에 취침,,, 토 일욜은 12시 기상이라는,,,